A direct-to-video sequel called Brother Bear 2 was released on August 29, 2006. Overseas sales have also been robust, and next week Rutt, Tuke and pals begin recording ''Brother Bear 2.''. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The son of an Indian chief killed by a bear vows vengeance, but is transformed by spirits into the very thing he sought to slay. It was a bit of a disappointment, because I [usually] write songs that I sing myself. This is a fine family film with a melodic soundtrack and a heart-affecting finale. Documentary Bloopers - Outtakes Deleted/Extended Scenes Interactive Game Musical Score - Video "Rutt & Tuke's Commentary" Watch Along with the Hilarious Moose From the Film Fully Animated Outtakes - Exclusive to . The two bears set off on their pilgrimage and are joined by two wayward and slow-witted moose (Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas). and this time "family-friendly" actually does mean the film has been cropped from its original aspect ratio, as opposed to Disney's normal use of the term. takes place the morning after Kenai breaks his promise to his young companion. Commentaries can be serious or entertaining in nature, and can add information which otherwise would not be disclosed to audience members. [15], Following the success of the Tarzan soundtrack, Phil Collins was offered the opportunity to compose songs for Brother Bear, as well as let him "co-write the score". Traveling across a dangerous volcanic field, they are further endangered by Denahi who is seeking revenge for the death of his little brother, not realizing that Kenai and the grizzly are the same being. [citation needed]. [19], Brother Bear was originally slated for a spring 2004 release, while Home on the Range was scheduled for a 2003 release. When watching the movie, you'll want to see it the right way, so make sure to put in Disc 2 to watch the movie itself. Phil Collins introduces the bonus feature and his vocals accompany storyboards from the movie. To track the "king" idea, the hero would naturally be a bear, the king of the forest. Some of the Disc 1 menu screens feature banter from Rutt & Tuke talking all around the 5.1 surround speaker setup. As with the most potent Disney animation, Brother Bear fully emerges the viewer in story and characters. Bob and Doug McKenzie However, before he can reply, his human friend Nita approaches, which spooks Rutt and Tuke. Collins's lyrics for the song were first translated into Iupiaq. All rights reserved. Despite this, Rutt cares for his sibling and forgives him for his fumbles at last. However, the brothers reconciled. His two brothers have already received their totems a rite of passage in the tribe and he's finally going to receive his. Kenai and his brothers pursue the bear, but a fight ends on top of a glacier, during which Sitka gives his life to save his brothers by dislodging the glacier, although the bear survives the fall. Spirituality & Practice. An audio commentary is an additional audio track, usually digital, consisting of a lecture or comments by one or more speakers, that plays in real time with a video. 2 - Brother Bear. . It was really funny! The directors finally gave into their co-workers who said it wasn't working, and Kenai's new travel companion became the younger Koda. Let's . "Find Your Totem" poses a variety of questions and then "the spirits" tell you which symbol most represents you. In the end, Kenai lives with the rest of the bears and gains his title as a man, through being a bear. The Fox and the Hound / The Fox and the Hound II (Two-Pack) by Mickey Rooney DVD. It was the only animated film to feature this technique, until The Simpsons Movie and Enchanted in 2007. . The website's consensus reads, "Brother Bear is gentle and pleasant if unremarkable Disney fare, with so-so animation and generic plotting. He later wrote: "This opulent movie, with gorgeous rainbow animation, is heavy on message but light on humor."[37]. There's no way to lose, and ultimately, they start repeating the same ones, so I suspect the (safe) assumption is that you'll tire of it eventually, even if the "prize" clips are fun. "Find Your Totem" poses a variety of questions and then "the spirits" tell you which symbol most represents you. It's mostly quite funny, and I do wish it wasn't only on the reformatted disc. The audio of Bear didn't dazzle, but it mostly seemed satisfying. It's a good Disney movie. they encounter a forest full of wildlife, including hilarious moose brothers Rutt and Tuke, woolly mammoths, rambunctious rams and more!The legend comes to life with awesome bonus features including a hilarious "Moose Commentary" starring Rutt and Tuke, outtakes, deleted . Let us help you with your next Disney Vacation. google_ad_client = "pub-9732201945510416"; //--> In the German version, Rutt and Tuke are called Benny and Bjrn, after the two iconic male members of the same name from the Swedish pop group ABBA. google_color_text = "6C2F02"; Following the showing of the film, Collins performed "No Way Out" before introducing Tina Turner to the stage where she performed the opening song, "Great Spirits". In ''Brother Bear'' Mr. Moranis and Mr. Thomas provide the McKenzie-ish voices of two moose named Rutt and Tuke. Koda quickly assures them that Nita is a friend, and they start to introduce themselves, only for Nita to interrupt by telling Kenai that they cannot dally. Best of all, Brother Bear manages to thrill and amuse audiences with an effectiveness that surpasses most of today's cinema. The Northern Lights shimmer and dance in the night sky. Moose Quotes. [21] On July 15, 2003, Disney announced that the release date would be moved up by one weekend from its previously scheduled slot of November 7, 2003. Of course no Disney animated movie would be complete without some wise-cracking talking animals to take up screen time so a couple annoying Canadian moose (voiced by Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis, of course) show up to blather on and on without real purpose. 1.66:1-2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (theatrical) More dicey was whether Rutt and Tuke's 85-minute commentary for the DVD should bring compensation for the two performers. Turning up from time-to-time as comic relief are a pair of mooses named Rutt and Tuke. His feelings certainly don't change when it is when the three brothers are fighting a bear that Sitka is killed. It feels totally improvised, and Moranis and Thomas are in prime form. Rutt is a male moose. [9] A year later, the production team took additional research trips through the Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and the Sequoia National Park. google_color_bg = "DEB552"; Show details. This counter-cultural animated film is set in the Pacific Northwest 10,000 years ago. Blinded by grief and revenge Kenai sets out to kill the bear. Animators ", "Isaak Surfing the Ironic / For Phoenix, life's a bear", "Looks like a bear market for 2-D animation", "Das Interview mit Ruben Aquino, Supervising-Animator (English transcript)", "Tina, Phil In 'Great Spirits' On Soundtrack", "Diverse Acts Interpret Collins For 'Brother Bear', "Inside Move: Disney wakes 'Bear' for Sat. clip: "Moose Commentary" Get the IMDb App. In any case viewers who watch the DVD commentary are getting a skewed sort of education in the finer points of animation. In addition, each scene is introduced by the filmmakers. //-->, Related Reviews: The universal literary and cinematic theme of 'the journey' present in Brother Bear is a part that works. Rutt and Koda lament being abandoned by their brothers. In theaters, Brother Bear began presented in a 1.85:1 aspect ratio, and then after 24 minutes, expanded to fill the wider 2.35:1 screen for the rest of the film. Categories. The film was originally going to be about Kenai and an older bear named Grizz, voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan. [23], Brother Bear was released on VHS and DVD on March 30, 2004. Ultimately, the song was translated into Intuit and performed by the Bulgarian Women's Choir, who we see here, accompanied by the original English lyrics as subtitles, and interweaved with clips from the scene in the movie. The last stop before the mountain is a visit with some partying bears who meet at an annual salmon run. So they said, can you give us something like the McKenzie brothers?'' Rutt reconciles with Tuke after losing an antler. In the end it's not quite up to par with the audio offerings of 'Brother Bear.'. Though he attempted to explain that he was a human who had been transformed into a bear, the moose simply believed him to be crazy. In a very short amount of time, the film defines these three characters as wise oldest brother Sitka and his two younger siblings, half-witted but well-meaning Kenai and the jesting, hard-headed Denahi. Personally I am shocked. Rutt and Tuke met Kenai, a bear, while in the forest. It's a nice inclusion, but the final song in the film is, naturally, better. At the village, the humans attack Kenai and Koda. Among those who appear are directors Aaron Blaise and Robert Walker, producer Chuck Williams, Roy Disney, Joaquin Phoenix, Phil Collins, Tina Turner, Dave Thomas, and Rick Moranis. Discover and share Brother Bear Moose Quotes. He is then transformed into the animal by the Great Spirits who want to teach him about empathy. The native Inuit's of the North find themselves battling the elements every single day. It's clean and vibrant. . Yes, you're not losing quite as much (29%) of the picture as a normal pan & scan job (43%) of such a wide film. Buy Brother Bear from Amazon.com: 2-Disc DVD / 2 Movie Blu-ray + DVD / Instant Video,