He would sleep in a tatami floored room in a futon. Miya fell asleep to a bedtime story Kojiro read, the same one he'd read to Reki just a few nights ago. 6 Lists Kaoru's name contains the kanji for "cherry blossoms". Joe is indeed watching him during the race, but remains concerned and quiet. 5 Fandom Given the advancements each character has made in their careers, more notable Adam having made vast strides in politics with enough time to work in America, and Joe being a professional chef (making the assumption that he went to a culinary school of sorts and took time to properly save money to open said shop) we can assume theyve had at least a couple years to gain the experience needed to become professionals in their jobs (Cherry too, I just dont really know the extent of experience one would need to become a beloved renown professional calligrapher Galesburg Silver Streaks Basketball, Articles H