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Vasudev found his way to Nands house. An akasha-vani had made the prediction, or warning in Kamsas case, during the time of Vasudeva and Devakis marriage. 51. They had contradicting duties towards their kingdoms, their future children, etc - but in line with "sarva dharma parityaja", they took the sign of God's will (not the vow Vasudev gave Kans, but the prophecy which was as close as you could get to the word of God) and put it above all else. doubt. who shall be a hero as strong as Indra, religious and of indomitable energy.". It was pouring rain. What is the wonderful influence of covetousness! On their way, suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the clouds darkened the skies. Many thousands of years ago, the city of Mathura in northern India was ruled by a powerful and evil demon called Kansa. Kamsa, To begin with, I'd like to say that if we were to hold everyone to the same definition of "natural" and "unnatural", we would have no sinners and no saints. of his journey. Yet he had to obey the divine voice. Watchlist. nephew. [9] This is because Krishnas transcendental body is naturally effulgent. Meanwhile, Devaki and Vasudev told Kansa that their seventh child had been born dead. Kashyapa sought the help of the god Varuna for the offerings of milk and ghee. Curse on Vasudev - Devki (Devi Bhagavatam) - how Vasudev and Devki were cursed alongwith Rohini. [3] She is one of the wives of Vasudeva. The Supreme Lord will be the one to take you by surprise. evil uncle Kamsa. So dark it is tonight, Leave your son with her, and bring her child back to Devaki.. Six children thus perished. The streets were swept clean and the houses were decorated with He never cried When the time comes, he will come and search for you, and punish you for all the evil you have committed. As soon as the feet of Lord [13] In some versions of the Bhagavata Purana, Vasudeva also married Sutanu, the princess of Kasi, and they had a son named Paundraka.[14]. One by one, six children of Devaki and Vasudev were born in the prison and Kansa killed them all. She rose above Kamsa's head as the eight-armed form of Goddess Durga. 50. sister and he was also afraid that he might not be able to do so. 34. The baby girl slipped out of his hand and rose in the air, she transformed into Goddess Durga. Kamsa snatched the baby girl from Devaki's lap, and hurled the child against kill Devaki. This snake was none Even now think out how you can kill your enemy. belong to their respective owners, and are used to merely visually identify the Channels, Shows, Companies, Brands, etc. Devaki was terrified. My eighth child will be born in a day, she wailed. She subsequently vanished into the heavens. Yashoda mother of Lord Krishna has become eternal for sheltering her foster son in a way only a mothers love can. 39. He came out slowly to find to his utter surprise In great wonder, he took up his son in his arms, and walked out of his prison, into the dark and stormy night. Who dared speak such sacrilege? he roared. [10][11] Vrikadevi gave birth to Avagaha and Nandaka. As the light subsided, Kamsa, as always, ignored her cries. O The next time your little one steals from the kitchen or gets his clothes muddy on the pretext of doing Baal Leela, tell him that! Nand led him unquestioningly to his newborn child. When Vasudeva handed Krishna over to them, he took with him Yashodas just-born child instead. Thus I have narrated to you the cause of the previous curse. Thus was cursed the Maharsi Kas'yapa by Brahm and Varuna to come down to the earth as Ams Vatra to relieve the earth of her burden. Now, Vasudevs kingdom is as good as mine. Krishna had 8 principal wives, and he begat many children from them, such as Pradyumna, Samba, Bhanu etc., and they also had many children. Krishna had an unusual birth place jail! The same Ananta serves as the serpent-bed for Narayana in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. Devaki (Sanskrit: , IAST: Devak) is a character in Hindu literature, most noted for being the mother of the god Krishna. The surprises would continue, as is always the case when dealing with the person who is the master of all mystic power, Yogeshvara. In this verse, Shree Krishna has emphasized the need for divine sentiments toward his pastimes, for enhancing our devotion. Rain was thundering down; the skies were covered in thick black clouds. In this manner, he killed seven children born to Devaki. Kamsa Owing to a divine prophecy that he would be slain by the eighth child of Devaki, Kamsa arranged that all of Devaki's sons should die at birth. He was born to Devaki and her husband Vasudeva who were ironically sent to jail by Devakis own brother, the evil prince Kansa. When the boy reaches the top of the pyramid, he smashes the pot with a stick, and the buttermilk spills. BG 4.9: He was scared out of his wits at first, but soon Interesting as it is, there is a very important takeaway from the birth story of Lord Krishna: nothing can parallel a mothers love. Kansa agreed to spare Devaki, if Vasudev kept his promise. And it was Vishnus serpent Shesh Nag, who spread his hoods over Vasudev and Krishna, to guide them safely across the river. How was the loving father going to protect his son? The baby was as dark as the clouds that covered the sky that night. The palace guards trembled at his enraged face. I swear, on oath, I don't make any difference between you and my mother Aditi. Lord Krishna the beloved cheeky god also known as the butter thief, but why do we celebrate Janmashtami, and how was Lord Krishna born? 18. And that was what happened. Ugrasena was a nice ruler, and Kamsa was just the opposite. men and women, wherever he went. One after another their children were sentenced to immediate death by the king, Kamsa, who also happened to be Devakis brother. Loving father welcoming open gate. Having felt much distress at not seeing him for so long, they held him in a tight embrace. 8. Kansa was frightened and confused. Diti also bore the seed in her womb according to the usual rite. Varuna became very sorry; he went to Brahma, the Lord of the creation and told him humbly all that had happened and about his sorrows. Maharsi Kas'yapa is not able to leave this vicious habit even now; what shall I do? Nine years passed before Devaki got pregnant for the eighth time. sleep and became aware that a baby was born. Ultimately, it was Abhimanyu's son Parikshit who ascended the Kuru throne after Yudhishthira. While Vasudeva is imprisoned, Rohini lives at the house of his husband's cousin [7] [8] Nanda, in Vraja. daughter. The Mathura citizens welcomed the wedding, for it The parents were in prison. It was of the eighth child, a son, born to Queen You can probably also add Ramji, because by human standards, sending a pregnant wife to the forests without thinking about her or her future child's well being would be considered cruel, but there was greater purpose behind Sita's vanvaas so it is important to look at it through a divine lens than a humanistic one. seemed to have split apart to pour wrathful rains. And why have you committed an offence in not returning the cows to Him? Devaki was good, kind and gentle, as unlike the cruel Kansa as possible. Our mind gets cleansed by engaging it in devotional remembrance of God. [13][14] Her six children were killed, while the seventh Balarama survived after being transferred by divine will into the uterus of Rohini, one of the other wives of Vasudeva. Devaki had regained her consciousness only after Vasudev switched the babies O Fortunate One! In the previous century leading communist nations built such walls. Kansa Goes to Kill Yogamaya. Sarana had many sons like Satyadhriti and Marsti, and Shatha had a son called Sarthi. When the good natured Diti awoke, she came to know that Indra has treacherously cut the foetus in her womb and became very sorry and angry. Out went the duty to uphold a promise and mend their hearts with the company of their surviving child, the number one priority was once again doing just as God instructed for the betterment of the rest of the universe. It looked alive and ready to devour the first person to set entered queen Yashoda's quarters. You have become very weak, lean and thin in the practise your vow. However, Gods actions have no personal motive because he is perfectly satiated by the infinite bliss of his own personality. Everyone in Mathura feared his cruel and wicked nature. But prison shining bright. Krishna had an unusual birth place - jail! How cold they, with such an awful king like When they reached Mathura Kansa imprisoned Vasudev and Devaki in the palace dungeon. Yashoda and Nanda were Krishnas foster parents. Dari Uttar Pradesh ke Kerala, Gujarat ke Andhra, ulang tahun kelahiran Lord Krishna disambut dengan penuh semangat di hampir setiap bahagian negara. Take this child across the River Yamuna to the Gokul kingdom, ruled by Anantadeva appeared on the scene and used His many hoods to act as an umbrella. 46-47. Vasudev turned to Devaki, the doors of the prison swung open, and he saw all the soldiers in a deep sleep. death warrant. Devaki was married to Yaduvanshi Vasudev (who is indicated as Sage Kashyap in his previous life). This is evidenced by texts and archaeological evidence. He requested Devaki to hand over the baby but she refused, he snatched the child from Devaki. Vasudev entered his prison, and laid the baby girl beside Devaki. They would be companions and friends to Indra. Lord Vishnu told them that he will take birth as their eighth child. The end of the life. 2010-2023 Parenting.FirstCry.com. river seemed to be boiling white and seething with anger, due to fierce 31. [17] Feuerstein places the relative composition chronology of Mahanarayana to be about that of Mundaka and Prashna Upanishads. Hearing this, Kamsa froze with fear. Therefore, whatever he does is for the welfare of the materially conditioned souls. And then it was broken by the sound of declared and Vasudev had no choice than accepting his verdict. The annual celebration of Janmashtami reaches the crescendo of jubilation and excitement as the clock strikes twelve at night. Devaki gave birth to six sons, one after another. The evil-minded and wicked king Duryodhana, the destroyer of the fair fame of the Kurus, was born of a portion of Kali on earth. Vasudeva traced a number of descendants through his sons. If you like my welfare, then destroy the foetus, in the womb of Diti, by any of the existent means, Sma, Dna or strength and thus remove the cause of grief in my heart. This covetousness is a powerful enemy; it is always unholy and odious. The guards told Kansa that the seventh child was still born. They were necessary since life was so dreadful within that the peoples inclination was to escape. Renuka Israni. Why have you stolen away all the cows of the Varuna Deva, the Guardian of a quarter of the world? Kansa came at once, angry yet afraid. In his confusion, he freed Vasudev Bhagavan showed the visual of the four-handed form, opulently adorned, holding the four sacred items, and displaying everything popularly associated with Vishnu in Vaikuntha. in festive spirits. The Garbha Griha (inner sanctum) of the temple has the beautiful idol of Devaki and Krishna. proceed nonetheless. 12. My heart is being pierced wholly by an iron spoke when I see the womb of Diti; kill it by any means you can! [7] "Vasudeva" as an object of worship in Hinduism usually refers to the son Vsudeva (Krishna), rather than his father Vasudeva. He was called Balram, and brought up safely and in secret by Rohini among the villagers of Braj. According to Hindu scriptures, Vasudeva ( Sanskrit: , IAST: Vasudeva ), also called Anakadundubhi, ( anakas and dundubhis both refer to drums, after the musicians who played these instruments at the time of his birth), [1] [2] is the father of the Hindu deities Krishna ( Vsudeva, i.e. But in the dungeons, Kamsa destroyed the child. Pozrite sa na 12 jedinench oslv Janmashtami v rznych ttoch Indie. . In the previous creation Aditi was chaste Prishni, who worshiped her husband Sutapa as if he were a god. The night Krishna was born, the couple were prepared in advance. The marriage of Devaki and Vasudev shall be blessed, for of this union shall be born eight sons, said the voice. 23. Suddenly Lord Vishnu appeared to Vasudev and Devaki, and told them that their prayers had been fulfilled to save the baby. her in mourning for the unborn child. 2) Like the others, Vasudev and Devaki were eager for the savior to be born, even if it meant sacrificing their other children. But let the demon Kansa beware: Devakis eighth son will be his end.. divine at the same time. She was, however, no ordinary child. Only Devaki waited, awake and anxious, for Vasudevs safe return. He was therefore called Krishna, which means 'dark' or 'black'. King of Heaven or King of Devine Abode or Swarga Loka 1. This site content is protected by US, Indian and International copyright laws. We see so many within the opening moments of Krishna-lila, when the personal Divine descended to this earth, selecting the birth-parents of Vasudeva and Devaki. extravagance and unfair rule. The Srimad Bhagavatam itself tells us that the children who were killed by Kans were demigods cursed by Brahma and by allowing for their lives to begin and end as they did, Vasudev and Devaki helped ensure their salvation. As soon as he was reunited in the prison with Devaki the prison door closed, and the guards woke from their deep sleep by hearing the noise of the baby girl crying. Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born in the prison of his maternal uncle Kamsa, the vicious ruler of Mathura.At the time of his sister Devaki's marriage with Vasudeva, Kamsa had heard from a Divine voice that his sister's eighth child would bring disaster and end his life. Maybe they did, I don't know, but there are some sources that say the babies were born through divine intervention since it was necessary for all six babies to be born before Balaram and Krishna. The night soon ended and the next day arrived. Devakis marriage was fixed with a noble man named Vasudev. Locked by Kamsa in cell. Ugrasena; having imprisoned him kamsa declared himself to be the King of All rights reservedTerms of Use and Copyright StatementPrivacy Policy. and cried lustily. He is now well and Hear, now, the cause of the incarnations of Vasudeva (Krisna's father), Devki and Rohini in detail. Devaki at midnight in the prison. His doom. Vasudev was followed by Vasuki the snake, protecting them on their journey. I shall personally For his theft of a cow, Brahma cursed Kashyapa to be born on earth as a cowherd. Transedental Names With Corresponding Pictures, Type of People Who Don't / Do Surrender to krishna, Why Krishna Has to Come When His Other Avatars Will Do the Work, You can never Leave Krishna as he is EveryWhere, Vasudev - Devki Previous Birth / Curse / Relief. Lord Vishnu told Vasudev to take the child away to Gokul, and that he must exchange the child for the baby born to Nanda Gopal and Yashoda. O Janamejaya! Janamejaya said :-- O best of Munis! it is known as - Mathura, a holy city. Still, in that furious feature, the river gave passage to Vasudeva to cross, just as the great Indian Ocean gave a path to Lord Rama when He was bridging over the gulf. (Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vol 1, Ch 3), Download this episode (right click and save). But the newborn baby laughed, and put its tiny foot out of its swaddling sheets and touched the waves. He could try carrying the baby with him and wade through the water, but the risk is too great. 30. Devaki, Once upon a time there lived a king named Ugrasena, he had a son named Kansa who was the crowned prince of Mathura. and unscathed? She was very distraught; how could her brother be so cold and heartless to kill his new born nephew. The Jai Jais have released The 10 Avatars of Vishnu. This full-sized form could definitely not have resided in Devaki's womb. Such devotion requires divine sentiments toward the personality of God. While all previous sons of Devaki are slain, the seventh embryo is transferred to Rohini's womb. Kamsa doors opened automatically. Lord Vishnu then disappeared. Carefully he held Krishna in a basket on his head. The prison doors closed. Such beings cannot be placed in today's human forms. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul of all living entities and the Absolute Truth. But he waited for the birth of his nemesis with murderous This is your eighth child, roared Kansa. in tears. Signup to receive daily blog posts by email! 29. Vasudeva and Devaki Kashyapa from Goloka descend to earth as Vasudeva and exalted Aditi as Devaki. know now that by giving Devakis hand to Vasudev, you have signed your own Just as silently as he had come, Vasudev returned to Mathura with the baby girl.