Vex, Vax, and Percy warned against it, but Scanlan was willing to move forward with the one-card deal. Deck of Many Things.. my single most hated magical item in 30 years of playing D&D. I had sort of held out hope that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be in 5th ed. Episode link report. Pike cheered up the disappointed Grog by offering to make him a homemade (and decidedly NOT magic) Deck of Many Things for him. Grog Strongjaw(formerly) Status Locked away in the Platinum Sanctuary The Deck of Many Thingsis a legendary wondrous item. Or they come across a beggar who says he was once a lord/who says hisancestor wasonce a lord. ", Fan art of Grog pulling a card from the Deck of Many Things, by Hugo Cardenas. I drew one card from it and got the Moon card. NEATLINGS Chore Cards Self-Care Deck 34 Self-Care Chores & 21 Ticket Cards Reward & Responsibility Dark Blue. Depends on your DM, the world (or, the instance of it your group is using), and your abilities to locate a buyer. After saving the day as heroes do or assisting the crime guild in an anti-hero campaign a fighter pays them a life debt in gratitude. Kerrek also fills a sack with money and gems to aid with the rebuilding of Westruun. While your soul is trapped in this way, your body is incapacitated. The Deck of Many Things' presence in the game world feels gimmicky, like a funhouse that's been thrown in for s%^$ and giggles. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Originally Posted by Lapak. Rules: They do not vanish when used but instead have to be placed back into the deck and re drawn one week (in game not real life) after use for their effect to take place again. First Preview from the DMG: Part of the Deck of Many Things Where is the deck of many things? Explained by Sharing Culture Archived [Spoilers C1E115] Grog Deck of Many Things One Shot. Tarot Deck of Many Things - The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit Failure results in pulling out the DoMT by mistake and pulling a card. Grog was confused, and believed that he had always had the deck and Vex was apologizing to him for some weird reason.[12]. He opens the chest, revealing a Greater Healing Potion that is immediately consumed. Critical role - Grogs Deck of Many things - YouTube [19], After returning to Whitestone, when Grog inquired about the current location of the Deck of Many Things, Vox Machina lied that it had been left behind on Pandemonium. Meanwhile below, Thordak's lair appears to have quieted down and the danger subsided. Grog's first instinct was to pull all the cards right then in that moment. Armor Class 20 Hit Points half the hit point maximum of its summoner Speed 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover), Condition Immunitiescharmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious, Sensesdarkvision 60 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 13, Languages all languages known to its summoner. 'Deck of Fewer Things' : DMAcademy - reddit Deck of Many Things - Search - D&D Beyond I'd say sure but any deck "created" by way of wish has no wish cards with in it. The drunk was granted two wishes (1d3 Wish spells), immediately using the first to wish to be "a powerful lord of the Quadroads". He was the dumb and the dumb." This document was created using The Homebrewery from Natural Crit. Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice. For all the naysayers, I say relax!This is a fun, but dangerous item to add to any campaign. The Fatesallow you to erase something that once happened to you--under the effect of the Idiot, the person might not think through the consequences of what they choose to erase and do something that drastically effects their life for the worse. Natural one means five cards. "Talks Machina #8: 'Raishan'" (TMx08) You are granted the ability to cast the wishspell 1d3 times. He gives his companions some of the money he's taken and gives them instructions on what to do with it in Westruun if he doesn't come back. All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. The identity of your new enemy isn't known until the NPC or someone else reveals it. Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire v4.0.0.0034 + All DLCs Only the most bold and daring adventurers should chance drawing from the Deck of Many Things! It can be a challenge to apply the effects, but can really take your stories to new heights with a great DM.I get the fear people have for the Deck of Many Things, but I have added it to my games to the delight and horror of me and my players. You summon an avatar of death--a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. Remove certain cards. As they are discussing Raishan, Allura enters to greet them. There don't seem to be any more magical items, but they see that they are surrounded by an unfathomable amount of money. The Search For Grog | Critical Role Wiki | Fandom You control this character. Pike cheered up the disappointed Grog by offering to make him a homemade (and decidedly NOT magic) Deck of Many Things for him.[20]. Grog, Percy, and Keyleth climb from the crater and rush over to them. He feels strange for a moment and passes out. Captain your ship [] Draw cards to create powerful magical effects, both fortunate and ruinous, Potion of Acid Resistance Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Fox's Cunning . [14], When Sprigg asked for something of power in exchange for allowing Vox Machina to look through his books for information leading to Ioun, Grog offered to let Sprigg pull one card from the deck. Donjon. After prying it open by breaking it in half, a small leather sleeve fell out. - The deck permenantly transforms into the deck of many things and you must draw the specified number of cards from that instead (this is to keep that possibility of something INSANE) . Looking at the blade, Grog saw a medusa-like visage image begin to seep through the metallic sheen (Grog assumed it to be the sword's "female setting"). Each card has a different effect: either amazing and great or immensely destructive. It consists of 22 jumbo Tarot Card -sized cards. Your soul is drawn from your body and contained in an object in a place of the GM's choice. He tears the box open and finds a small deck of cards. "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81) is the eighty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Before Vex could pull a card (tempted by Grog's explanation that they create weapons), Percy warned her not to draw and to be very careful: those cards could make a lot of bad things. Looking at the technical specs of the theatre I'm doing to disagree. The fighter is of the same race as you and serves you loyally until death, believing the fates have drawn him or her to you. If you have not seen it find it here: are over 80 episodes each at least three hours long, so thats 10 days solid viewing for you, Beware though this stuff is like a strong drug, once taken you are addicted and need your fix every week. Before Grog could throw the deck into nearby lava, Vex came over and told him to hold onto it until she had time to look around for other cool stuff. The Deck of Many Things. And after killing the other three members of the Conclave, you went in with armies at your back, Ashari in the sky who laid siege to the city as you snuck beneath the streets of Emon, emerging on the outskirts of the Cloudtop District. Your mind suffers a wrenching alteration, causing your alignment to change. This item can single-handedly unravel a campaign. Perhaps your GM/PCs need The Deck of Many Things! I'm planning an NPC for an upcoming campaign set in Exandria, and could use some advice: For those that followed the first CR campaign, you might rememberGrog's use of the deck of many things. A rare or rarer magic weapon with which you are proficient appears in your hands. You summon an avatar of death--a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. TheDonjon traps them in suspended animation and hides them away from all forms of magical detection, other than a Wish spell. hide. Click to see spoiler. Funny story, so in a campaign (session 2 and we were level 2) my DM gave us a deck of many things with none of the bad cards and the cards don't delete themselves. State your wish to the GM as precisely as possible. My advice for running this Magic Item in a game is to set the cards up as influencers of the future instead of "wooo, shiny thing appears next to you" or "welp, you die." Before Vex could pull a card (tempted by Grog's explanation that they create weapons), Percy warned her not to draw and to be very careful: those cards could make a lot of bad things. It's your game, have fun with it! I think if you have the time a homebrew to balance this out using the major Arcana from a tarot deck might work. The drunk was granted two wishes (1d3 Wish spells), immediately using the first to wish to be "a powerful lord of the Quadroads". The Deck of Many Things - d20monkey Airdate Scanlan takes out some of his Suude and is at first interrupted by Pike, but after finding a moment to himself he tries to use it. Once a card is drawn, it fades from existence. Idiot. In either case, the PC's will need to secure the deck during transport, and keep it secure before it's sold. I hate this thing. The thumbnail for "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81), featuring Marisha Ray as Keyleth. They do have the infrastructure to at the very least record the show if not live stream it. I have witnessed more games implode from the effect of the Deck of Many Things than from any other single element in all of D&D. Or find a way to defeat the devil/NPC hunting the person and the person's descendants. Reality's fabric unravels and spins anew, allowing you to avoid or erase one event as if it never happened. My thoughts on the Void card: Just keeping the soul in an object makes no sense, at least from the point of view of whatever entity made the cards or acquires the soul. Whether they enlist the party's help, try to trick them into it, or just leave (requiring the player to roll up a new character), the potential is there for a new big-bad that the party has to deal with. ), Alternatively, if you really just want to see the deck used (especially if the holder of the deck isn't the most responsible PC in the pot), have the player holding the deck make a wisdom saving throw the next time they gamble or get drunk. Each card is made of premium 280 gsm bluecore cardstock. Several cards in the deck can unceremoniously kill or (nearly) irreversibly incapacitate this character, rendering any lore or planning built around them worthless. The Deck is absolutely ridiculous, but that is part of the fun of the Deck. She and Percy fly up to the top of the cavern to look for anything else of interest. I randomly rolled this as treasure in a pretty high tiered dungeon with tough encounters. The card then transformed into a magical scimitar. 2 offers from $14.99. Scanlan claimed that Percy had lost an arm in the process of rescuing his soul., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0), Draw cards to create powerful magical effects, both fortunate and ruinous. However, due to the manner in which Grog acquired the curse, no one knew to ask the gods the group bargained with for this aid. [art 3]. As they discuss their options, Allura volunteers to help since she's no longer needed to keep up the barrier at Whitestone, and her tongue begins to go numb. You're all awesome, I look forward to any suggestions you might have for me! Beyond the Cloudtop gate, the battle continues in the streets. Artifacts in your possession aren't destroyed but do vanish. Grog tried to trade the Periapt of Wound Closure to Vex in order to get his deck back, but Vex tricked him by giving him a leather pouch with rocks inside. "Talks Machina #9: 'What Lies Beneath the Surface'" (TMx09) I know I can do whatever I want as DM, but I'm wondering if there's something notable about the DOMT that might prevent me from using it this way (e.g. The first he uses immediately to become a "powerful lord of the quadroads", the second wish is never discussed. To expand on whatCaerwyn_Glyndwrsaid, you could actually have the Rogue card cause the players to become compelled to try and kill the noble. Grog pulled "The Void": his soul was immediately sucked from his body and contained in an object in a place of the DM's choice. The Deck of Many $9.99. Permanently reduce your Intelligence by 1d4 + 1 (to a minimum score of 1). Meanwhile, Scanlan rips up Vax's letter and burns it, then packs his pipe for the morning. For those that followed the first CR campaign, you might remember Grog's use of the deck of many things. The theater in question allows hand-held cameras, unless said otherwise by the show in question. "Deadly Echoes" (1x82) [19], After returning to Whitestone, when Grog inquired about the current location of the Deck of Many Things, Vox Machina lied that it had been left behind on Pandemonium. Vox Machina then spent two weeks making their way through the halls of Pandemonium. The Lord of the Quadroads proudly declared that he still had one wish left, and ran off to his waiting carriage. The avatar fights until you die or it drops to 0 Hit Points, whereupon it disappears. Assuming he can wish himself the DOMT: What suggestions would you have for the next card(s) he draws that ultimately cause his downfall? Next It simply says "You were right. Too predictable? You gain the service of a 4th-level fighter who appears in a space you choose within 30 feet of you. "The Deck of Many Things," including the card names and magical effects (as described on pages 216-218 of the SRD 5.1), is NOT the property of Game Master's Merchant, it is Open . Podcast link As Dungeon Master, you should wait for a dramatically appropriate moment to reveal this enmity, leaving the adventurer guessing who is likely to become a betrayer. The cards are split about 50/50 between good and awful, and it is widely regarded as one of the most powerful artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons. The avatar can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. They discuss what Raishan's intentions may be. I would like to build out this drunkard-now-lord (or a descendant) as an NPC, and also get the DOMT out of the vault and back in play. You gain 50,000 XP, and a wondrous item (which the GM determines randomly) appears in your hands. Expert Answers: Deck of Many Things: A deck of many things (both beneficial and baneful) is usually found in a box or leather pouch. Fool. Tofor Brotoras approaches the party, looking harried from battle. If you single-handedly defeat the next hostile monster or group of monsters you encounter, you gain experience points enough to gain one level. Thus, Grog was awarded a rare magic weapon: a Dancing Sword. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. Incorporeal Movement. 28 Feb 2023 14:47:02 [13], When Pike learned about the deck, she was just as curious as Grog, but convinced Grog to wait until a very special occasion to pull the next one. It has an ')' at . The character should experience the devils malevolent efforts on multiple occasions. Talons. Each deck contains a number of cards or . TheEuryaleputs a -2 penalty on all saves that only a god can remove--something that might lead the person to disaster as casters take advantage of him with mind-magic. {{art caption}}: autoformat art credits/captions, {{infobox character}}: infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}}: infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}}: boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}}: boilerplate for new character pages, {{new episode}}: boilerplate template for new episode pages, Articles needing presumption confirmation. After some deliberation, they all agree that resting up would be best. Usually found in a box or pouch, this deck contains a number of cards made of ivory or vellum. "Unless the card is the Fool or the Jester, the card reappears in the deck, making it possible to draw the same card twice.". He was the dumbest of us all. Now the PC's are beholden to the Countof Antioch, to seek out and return the Deck of Many Things from the thief that stole it from them (or be doomed to evade his guards for the rest of their lives! He was the dumb and the dumb." Grog pulled five cards from the Deck of Many Things during the. Also no one is forcing you to give it to your party :). Next would be finding someone wealthy enough to afford it, and mad enough to want it! Does anyone know of any good rules that can restrict things like this from happening? Grog has Gilmore Identify his new sword and he says it's a Dancing Sword that will fight on its own. Depending on the PC's level, you could have them host the auction at which only the deck is sold; or have them find an auction house or thieves guild (if selling stolen/illegal items) where their item is sold alongside other rare items; perhaps some of which the PC's want for themselves. They also help us understand how our site is being used. Order This wiki contains spoilers for all stories of Critical Role. The artwork depicting the Decks cards and packaging design, however, is the property of Game Masters Merchant. The drunk could have used the second wish to "be successful at everything he attempts". After pulling a card from the Deck of Many Things, Grog 's soul was stolen and trapped in the Plane of Pandemonium. However, remembering Vex's warnings, he found a nice drunk sap in the Quadroads. Meghan L ECCC23 on Twitter: "RT @Angelphileart: 1/2 pieces for # Increase one of your ability scores by 2. In the case of the Rogue card, the enmity is secret and should come from someone thought to be a friend or an ally. Fan art of Awkward Bathtime, by Lap Pun Cheung. "Raishan" (1x80) I understand them not live streaming it, but if they don't record it/air it, then I'll be supremely disappointed. Gem. For example, in Critical Role when Grog is in the final battle between Vecna and Vox Machina, Grog didn't pull from the deck, even though some of the good abilities would be really good, and could let them win the fight. Each deck contains a number of cards or plaques made of ivory or vellum. The Deck of Many Things: Everything you need to know (D&D 5e) It seems so cool and random at first but it is utterly game destroying unless folks don't mind rolling up new characters. Sheet creator documentation is available. Each is engraved with glyphs, characters, and sigils. Vox Machina then spent two weeks making their way through the halls of Pandemonium.
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